Guidance Through Turbulent Times: Navigating Conversations about World Crisis

In the wake of the current crisis in Israel and Gaza, and the far-reaching impact it has on people worldwide, many of us are grappling with the emotional toll of these distressing events. The signs are evident – heightened agitation, difficulty falling asleep/staying asleep, dwindling energy levels, pervasive sense of anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness. It's crucial to recognize that these reactions are normal responses to these events, particularly when they're constantly being broadcasted across all media platforms.

For some, these events may unearth deep-seated past and/or intergenerational traumas, making the need for understanding, support, and healing even more crucial. To help address these concerns, we've compiled a collective list of resources (please see below) to aid you in navigating these difficult times, especially when it comes to talking to your children.

The graphic depictions of violence and conflict inundating all media platforms can significantly impact the emotions and thoughts of your children, often leaving you, as a parent, uncertain about how to address and navigate these feelings. This becomes even more challenging given the emotional distress that we, as adults, are simultaneously experiencing. Nonetheless, in these challenging moments, it is crucial to establish a safe and comfortable environment for these discussions.

Engaging in these conversations with your children offers a unique opportunity to provide them with a safe space to ask questions and process their emotions. It allows us to guide them toward the need for compassion, empathy, and connection. Our role as caregivers is instrumental in creating a sense of security for our children and aiding them in navigating the intricacies and uncertainties of our world. Among our most crucial responsibilities is equipping children with a sense of strength, resiliency, advocacy, compassion, and hope.

Please remember that you are not alone in this journey. We, at Interactive Discovery, are here to provide support during these challenging times. If you are seeking support to address trauma, please reach out to us. We are committed to creating a safe space for our clients and our community. Together, we will find strength and resilience in the face of these challenging times.

General Resources

 Resources regarding Warfare & Violence


Attachment Focused Communication and Relational Mapping in Couples Work


The Sleep Struggle is Real